Not that sf is bearing on our nerves.. we both comment almost daily how much we love it here, and the weather's been quite gracious compared to the rest of the poor country. When I leave the cave I work in every day, I can take a stroll around the sfai campus and see amazing views of the east bay, coit tower, alcatraz, and the general beauty of this hilly, colorful city (that also has amazing light at nearly any hour). If I'm riding home in the early evening, there are mind-blowing sunsets as I look down the long, flat streets of the Mission that terminate at looming, grassy hills. Or if I'm riding home late at night, the city is quiet, with an autumnal chill that reddens my cheeks, and the clear skies are burgeoning with glittering stars. It's been so long that I've forgotten almost all the constellations.
One thing I've really enjoyed is the little ecosystem outside our apartment windows. The garage roof next door is covered in plants, other neighbors have tasteful decks with trees and lots of plants, and there are several big, old trees that all sorts of birds frequent. There's a little hummingbird family that's quite active, buzzing here and there all day, sitting in a tree branch right outside and singing their little hearts out. I've seen robins, juncos, a pair of beautiful blue scrub-jays, black phoebes, gigantic crows, the usual wrens and sparrows, and today I saw a Cooper's hawk fly through the yard and perch at the top of the tallest tree in our neighbor's yard. We've also had a woodpecker visit the side of the house a few times! It's really delightful to be able to watch all of these creatures from our apartment, and doubly so because most of them are new to me.
(images pulled from the net)
Dark-Eyed Junco

Acorn Woodpecker

Western Scrub-Jay

Black Phoebe

Anna's Hummingbird

Cooper's Hawk!

I spent all day outside working on my bike.. long story short, I got knocked off my bike last weekend by an SUV driver who failed to see me RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER TRUCK before she took off from a stop sign. My knee got knocked up again, but mostly everything was fine. But my one brake was knocked out of alignment and I didn't have time to fix it all week.. luckily it didn't give out while I rode down the big hills! I took the opportunity to add a much-needed second brake, install my awesome new rack, and change up the handlebar situation. Not having a stand or space indoors to work, I had to lay everything out on the picnic table in the yard and try not to lose anything. I think I know what I'm going to ask for this Christmas...! I got kind of chilled being out all day, but at least it reached 50 (a cold, cloudy 50).. I won't complain!
Oh, and I wanted to share a picture of the beautiful bouquet Vanessa got me.. she felt bad for calling 911 and leaving me on the street after I was hit, so she went to a reputable florist and brought this home for me!

It's really stunning, with delicate little white and purple flowers, berry-laden branches, twigs covered in lichen, green and white kale, eucalyptus with fruits, and lots of other delicious items stuffed together. Quite impressive!
And finally, last weekend I helped our neighbor-florist decorate a wedding in a schmancy mansion in the schmancy part of town.. here's a nice image of what we did:
There were 700 roses and nearly as many candles on the tables, and the altar pieces were really neat concoctions of lichen- and white berry-laden branches and balls of white roses. It all came together really nicely, but it was stressful to say the least.
I am sorry to hear they have crappy drivers out west, too, but it sounds like you have at least upgraded in the neighbor's foliage department.
You're missing out on a fabulous Chicago snowstorm; Michael just went out to shovel for the 3rd time today, popped into the basement for some beer and upon his return up the stars discovered another 1/4 inch of snow.
We miss having you both in the building, but are happy for all your new adventures. . . and access to terrific produce.
Yeah, I have to say we don't miss the neighbors so much. But the ecosystem outside our windows will come to an end sooner than later, as the owners of the rooftop garden have plans to build a second floor (right next to our dining room!).. so we're appreciating the views while we can.
We do miss the building in Chicago, though.. a true gem! We're now disgruntled tenants due to complete disregard for bike storage and workspace (and complete lack of closet space!).
I hope you all survive the snow and ice, and hope Miguelito is doing great!
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